Reposted from Blessed is the Flame
PDF download link: [ENG] Blessed Is The Flame – Issue #3
(For those who wish to print the newspaper, see the instructions below.)
The 3rd issue of the anarcho-nihilist/insurrectionary newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame” has been published. Its pages contain reports of direct actions, claims of responsibility, texts, poems, and news from anarchist prisoners and trials that were published in November and December 2024 in ten different languages across various parts of the world, or were sent to us via email and are being published for the first time. (Some of the texts published for the first time will also be uploaded as standalone posts on our blog, blessed-is-the-flame.espivblogs.net.)
Our goal is not only to break down the linguistic barriers that hinder information, solidarity, and the dissemination of propaganda by the deed on an international level but also to give counter-information a printed form. We believe it is crucial for counter-information to transcend the limits of the digital realm.
In an era of rapid developments, we unfortunately published the 3rd issue a bit later than we had planned, as this is the first time the newspaper is officially published in seven different languages: Greek, English, Spanish, Indonesian, French, Italian, and German. A new post will include links to all these translations, once they are published on the respective counter-information platforms.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to all comrades—both within Greece and abroad—who contribute by translating, offering financial support, and enabling the circulation of this newspaper in different parts of the world. Anyone interested in helping translate “Blessed Is The Flame” into even more languages can contact us at: blessedistheflame@riseup.net.
Printing Instructions:
For those interested in printing the newspaper, ask a trusted print shop to print it in A5 format as a colored booklet. In a few weeks from now, the English and the Spanish editions of the newspaper will also be available in an alternative format appropriate for the US paper sizing system.
For printing, please download the PDF directly from our website, as the download link may be updated in case we detect minor formatting errors in the file that may have overlooked.
- Counter-information for November – December 2024 (p. 1–11)
- Luigi Mangione and political violence (p. 2–3)
- Ampelokipi case: Memory and solidarity (p. 2–7, 17–18)
- Italy: Words and actions against militarism (p. 7 – 10)
- Statement from the Anarchist Union of Sudan (p. 10)
- Anarchist news from Indonesia (p. 10–12)
- Offensives against green capitalism (p. 12–13)
- Responsibility claims with guides for action (p. 14)
- Chile: Black memory, attacks, words from the prisons (p. 14–16)
- Christmass offensive actions and anarchist wishes for the New Year (p. 17, 20)
- Repression and counter-surveilance (p. 18–20)
When we conceived the idea for this newspaper a year ago, we could not have imagined that it would eventually take on such international dimensions so that, with the help of comrades from different parts of the earth, it would cross continents. The first issue was published only in Greek, but the second was also published in English and Spanish, and an effort is now being made to translate it into French as well. This issue is being published in even more languages and we hope that the translation efforts will multiply in future issues.
Comrades who are interested in contributing to this project can contact us in the email address blessedistheflame@riseup.net
Anarchy of action has always been a small but lively flame burning contemptuously in the vast gloom of apathy and compromise; let us make its blessed light reach the ends of the earth and kindle it with our destructive passion for freedom. Every attack born of this passion is a reminder that the resistance to the world of power is not alive only in certain historical moments with the approval of the masses, but is an everyday affair; that there will always be those who struggle to get out of the mire of oppression; every attack is a statement that there are black sheep who refuse the mutilated life offered to them by this rotten society.
Every unrepentant word that comes out of the mouths of imprisoned comrades is proof that repression does not break the rebellious spirits.
And finally, every death in action is an eternal call for struggle.
Regardless of whether nowadays the intensity of the anarchist offensive has dropped considerably, the above messages remain unchanged throughout the centuries, because this very intensity has always made circles, and it is in our hands to turn the wheel.
For the Black International